Misc. Art Showcase

Welp, my good old depression had flared up again to cripple me, resulting in another huge time gap between blog posts!… Well, actually, that’s only partially true…

So, lately, I have been quite busy working on Randy’s Crazy Mission! for a while now, and that, combined with other things in my life, made me cut some time off of working on this blog. As of now, I don’t really have enough insights about the development process of the demo to warrant a full blog post. So I have another idea…

This is Miscellaneous Art Showcase! A post dedicated to showing off some of the art and animation I made for my game, and giving some small insights into the contents of the demo! So, if you stumbled upon this post not knowing what my game is, before looking at this post, I highly advise you to read this website’s first post, then read the second post, in order to learn what my game is for context.

Art Showcase

Indie Game Art Old Crazy Townsfolk Ah Was Right



Here’s a GIF of the intro splash screen I’ll use for my game(s):

Indie Game Art Video Game Splash Screen

The aspect ratio of this splash screen is in widescreen, however, in Randy’s Crazy Mission!, the actual game after the splash screen will be in a more square aspect ratio due to the vintage 70s animation and Atari 2600 aesthetics used.

So, I recently had to draw more of the background image for the fields level (as seen in some mockups I made for this game) to enlarge it. This is because it wouldn’t fill the camera’s view in GameMaker in its original form. And now, it almost looks like a panoramic image.





So, this is Randy’s walking animation.



Indie Game Art Elliott Angry Hateful

Imagine this guy is your brother and you had to deal with him every day.

Indie Game Art Elliott Smacking His Brother Roger on the Back of His Head

This, however, is acceptable.



Ogre Mini Run Attack Indie Game Art

Since they’re simple Atari enemies, Ogre Minis just walk back and forth until they hit Randy when someone plays their game. But when no one is playing, and they aren’t restricted by their programming, well…



What!? That shouldn’t be here!



Indie Game Art Ogre Mini Shooting Unithorn

This is something else Ogre Minis can do while they aren’t being restricted by their programming…




“The video games industry was DESTINED for failure! We’re all finally SEEING that failure! And with that failure… the people in the real world… will soon take us back to be-






Ugh, what did he say to Randy this time?



“They’ll probably cancel every single game by the end of the year!…




This image is not really relevant to this post, but I just wanted to show it. When I uploaded a GIF of an animation of an enemy’s Atari sprite for a previous post, for some reason, the preview of it looked like what you can see above. THIS IS A SIGN AH’M SURE!!!!!!!



Indie Game Art Randy Disrespected

The look Randy gives when he’s insulted/disrespected by his piece of crap big brother Roger. (Not the crazy-looking brother I showed earlier, but another one, the rat with the green shirt seen previously. Yes, those three are brothers. Don’t ask.)








“You know, I, like many many many others, regularly donate to the Free Candy 4 Randy Foundation. I even bought this ‘Free Candy 4 Randy’ coffee mug! You shouldn’t have to deal with the burden of losing your energy simply because some of our game’s denizens have a slight uncontrollable urge to attack you.”

Yeah, smack that dumb rat! He don’t need that! (The arm on the left side is Roger’s.)

That’s All for Now- Wait. . .

W-what is this!?!?


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